The Increasing Food Scarcity

There is currently scarcity of land in the rural side.

Every one want to plant since the price of food stuff is on a fast lane.

Space that has never been used before are getting cleared

People have started collecting the land they borrowed or leased to someone in the years before now.

  • Please vacate our land*
    We also want to farm

Even the Federal government is not left behind in taking back their land from the farmers.

The Ogun Osun River Basin Development Authority land that was initially leased to farmer was suddenly increased overnight

Several farmers have leased and pay N5,000 per hectares for the 2021 planting season since the begining of the year.

I got the information today that the project manager requested that every farmer need to pay additional N5,000 each per hectare or they vacate the land

The River Basin Development land are owned by the federal government..

You heard right

Who does that in the middle of a farming season?

Do the farmers have choice?
Definitely No

Some other people are waiting to take over the space if any farmer did not comply

Tractor service also increased

Back to the essence of writing this night.
Farm owners are retrieving their land which they plan to use for the purpose of planting

So there will be plenty cultivation of maize and cassava.

Which will possibly lead to surplus in the market and eventually crashing the famers produce by coming year and the year after.

Then the thousands that are jumping in the farm this year will start jumping out again in the following year while the price of farmers produce get to pick up again

Farmers produce price peak is between 4 – 5 years. Peak is when the price is excessively beyond everyone’s reach just as we are battling now.

Farmers produce price glut is the first 1- 3 years.

It’s advisable for would be farmers to understand the season before jumping in to the system, hence he invest massively and get nothing

A word they say is enough for the wise
Do have a lovely planting season as the rain approach.


Picture taken on our during one of East West /IFDC farmers cluster training some years back